About me

The Social Science disciplines have been meaningful to enrich my personal development. These studies provided me with tools to answer important questions about culture, identity, and how humans constructed the social world in the way we experience it now.

I am a Master of Science student in the Applied Digital Sociology Program in Hunter College. My research interests are various and evolving. I enjoy learning from many Sociological perspectives, and examining theories that underline social justice related projects.  I have developed awareness regarding the social structure and political power shaping our lives. And I focus my studies on revealing patterns of behavior, social class dynamics, and economic disparities among minority groups in the United States and abroad. 

During my graduate studies, I have implemented a critical lens to analyze the role of the digital technologies and the internet influencing our culture and cognition and capitalizing on our interactions and beliefs.

Before applying to this pragmatic graduate research program, I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology from Hunter College in 2018. As an undergrad student, I focused on many courses offered by the Sociology department, such as classical Sociology, migration studies, religion, popular culture, education, research methods, drugs and society and social movements. My experience in campus life was active and engaging. I was an ally-mentor in the "Dreamers Club," and I was a campaign organizer against the tuition hikes and the underfunding of the City University of New York.

For more information about the campaign against the tuition hikes follow the link:  CUNY Students Against the State Funding Cuts 

Previous to my Hunter College enrollment, I completed my Associate in Arts degree in Social Sciences and Humanities in LaGuardia Community College. In LaGuardia, I gained the basic skills needed to accomplish my academic achievements. I worked with professors and students in the College Now program, designed to introduce students transitioning from high school to college. I mentored many first-generation college students, who were assimilating to the new society

At this moment in particular, I feel that I am a step closer to reach another educational goal. It has been a transformative experience, and a process of growth and maturation. I consider the City University of New York my home. I am proud to be part of this vibrant and diverse community of brilliant academics and scholars. The challenges are many, yet I found support and encouragement to thrive in this unique environment located in the heart of New York City.