My work

Graduate Social Research/Applied Digital Sociology


70100: Thinking Critically in a Digital Society

GSR 70800 – Statistics I 

GSR 70900 – Statistics II 

GSR 71000 – Qualitative Research Methods 

GSR 71100 – Quantitative Digital Research Methods 

GSR 71700 - Seminar in Applied and Evaluation Research 

GSR 71800 - Research Internship 

My Electives

GSR 7000 Information Technology

GSR 70100 Culture and Cognition

GSR 72500 Sociology of the Gig Economy

Sample Writing

Trust in the U.S. Government Ensuring the Safeness of the COVID-19 Vaccine: Information Mediating the Perceptions of Risks and Benefits Among Internet Users   

Read the Essay Here 

PowerPoint Presentation: Binomial Logistic Regression

 COVID-19 Vaccine Trust and Web-Socia Media Users

Vulnerabilities of Internet Users in the Economy of Digital Technolgy

Read the Essay Here

Latino Cultural Identity: The Young Lords and Their Community Work

Read the essay here  

Watch the Documentary Takeover here

Project Proposal: Transformative Educational Program Evaluation

Read the essay here

Photo Credit: Getty Images

A look into “After Truth: Disinformation and The Cost of Fake News” 

Read the Essay here

Analysis-Digital Technologies and Society

Read the essay here

Current Projects

Platform Capitalism and Gig Workers 

I am investigating the new business model of platform companies and their artificial intelligence managers impacting the restaurant industry. AI is a surveillance entity that makes workers aware that speed and productivity are constantly checked without regard of their needs. How do gig workers feel about this technology? 

I am gathering information from previous research published by scholars in the field of economy, labor rights and Sociology, and I will conduct some interviews to workers employed in the restaurant industry.

Read the essay here, the  interview , and the questionnaire 

Internship: Combatting the Far Right: In the Streets, Online and around the World."

I am collaborating with Professor Jessie Daniels, in her ethnographic and qualitative project looking to find solutions to white nationalist extremism.

I am investigating the core beliefs of Christian nationalism in the U.S., and the work of social justice advocates, whose current efforts are invested in social change, inclusion and equity.

For this project, we are using qualitative analogue methods of research, meaning that we conduct interviews, use interface technology, we gather information from these interviews, we code and analyze the data. 

Read the essay here